What is
Ed Psych Insight?

I'm Dr Chris Moore and I currently work as an Educational Psychologist. In the past, I've worked as a teaching assistant in a post-primary school and a counsellor and supervisor at a national helpline. I've also had the privilege to be involved in voluntary work with children and adults with additional needs.

You can find me on Twitter as @DrChrisMooreEP, where I regularly read and share insights from teachers, educators, parents/carers and a range of professionals in other fields. My passions are attachment, trauma, nurture and wellbeing. I'm a big believer in the power of relationships. I continue to be inspired and humbled by the stories of those who strive to help children and young people and convey understanding and empathy for their needs.
Using the famous philosophy of "Giving Psychology Away", I decided to start this blog to offer my own nuggets of advice, based on the training, research and experiences afforded to me in my role. I hope you find them useful and please feel free to share!